Tuesday 30 April 2013

Day 121.

I did my elliptical this morning, it felt good. I really hope my cold goes away.  Boys had a great day at school.

Went to the park after dinner. We all had fun. All went to bed very easy tonight.

I finished my chores for the night.  Now I'm gonna relax and read i think.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Day 119. Great day

4th day in a row i did my 30 mins on my elliptical :) had a awesome breakfast and lunch. Going to have a smoothie for my snack.

Spent time outside before lunch its beautiful out.  Im loving it.

Ben has his friend Fletcher over for a couple of hours. Really nice to see that they like to hang out with each other when not in school :)

I ate abit off today. Oh well im still doing great.

Saturday 27 April 2013

Day one hundred and eighteen.

Date night. Get to spend some "Us" time. Yay so excited to get out. Gonna wear my new dress i got a 2 weeks ago.

Loved going out and spending time with my handsome man.

Went went out to eat and to a movie.
Pain and gain. It was a really great movie

Friday 26 April 2013

day 117. Beautiful evening

At the park. We had such a great time. Nice to see the kids having fun together

Thursday 25 April 2013

Day 116. Been a good day.

Except the rain. Why does it rain before i need to pick up the boys from school???? I hate that it happens all the time. Grrr

Welk after the crappy weather there was a beautiful rainbow.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

115. Jonny went to the dentist

Jonny had work done this morning at the pediatric dentist.  He did awesome. And slept at home until 1 :)

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Day 114. Outside all day

It was so nice today. Was outside off and on since 1. Zack wanted to be out so much today. Had a great time today.  Boys had a great day at school.  :)

Tomorrow is a big day for Jonathan. Going to the pediatric dentist   

Monday 22 April 2013

Day 113. Lovely day

Went out for breakfast this morning to the fireside. Love it there :)
We went to target and it was awesome. I want to go there and shop for a bathing suit :)

The boys had a great day at school. Took them grocery shopping and it wasn't as crazy as i thought that it would be. Lol they were great helpers :)

Spent alot of time outside today :) it was a great day.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Day 112. Happy birthday Ben.

Happy birthday Ben. I cant believe u turned 8 today. I remember when we went to the hospital after my eater broke. How scared i was to have you early. But when i saw you. I was so blessed to have you. I love u very much buddy.

Day 111

Bens party with his friends.

Friday 19 April 2013

Day 110. What a busy day

Cake and cupcakes were picked up today :)  baked and finished Bens cupcakes. Ben is having his party tomorrow with his friends.

I have been a
So busy getting everything ready for his angry bird party.

I have to bake his birthday cake tomorrow for sunday :)

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Day 108. Awesome day, icing cakes

Had another awesome day. Weather was awesome. Was outside most of the day with the boys.

Did the crumb coat on the cakes :).

Now watching big brother Canada

Gonna finish icing tomorrow.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Day 107. Lots and lots of buttercream icing

I made 3 batches this morning. And of course Zack had to me the taste twister.  He loved it :)

I hate this weather. We cant go out and play.  So i put the boys winter pjs away. Then put away their clothes away. 

I'm thinking of getting into stamped jewelry.  Like necklaces and key chains etc.... 

Went for a walk after dinner with the boys. And got Bens rain boots and Jonathan's rain boots, shoes. They were awesome listening to me tonight.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Day 105 beautiful day

Had such a great day.  Had so much fun with our friends. Got Jonny a spring coat, played at the park. Spent time as a family.

The boys had tons of fun playing the wii. Loved the dancing game.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Day 104

I got some cool  new earrings.

Needed some cake stuff at bulk barn. They close early on sat. Grrrr 

Friday 12 April 2013

Day one hundred and three.

Jonny stayed home from school because he wasn't feeling well. Last night was rough for him, didnt sleep well. He is all better tonight though.

Jonny Ben and I are watching the lion king before bed. 

Thursday 11 April 2013

Day 102. Crappy weather

Wow crappy weather today :( wish we can start having nicer weather.

Took Jonny to the dentist this morning. Going back on the 24th if April.  

Bella is so cute   ;)

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Day 101.

I got all the stuff i ordered from Autism speaks. Love them. Might make some cookies on Friday with the cookie cutter.

Also have some shelf's for the boys room now. Thanks Kathryn.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Wow day 100.

I cant believe that I'm on day 100. I didn't think that I would get this far. I'm very proud of myself.  But i also think that setting my phone alarm helped everyday :).

Happy birthday to my dad today. He turns 65.

Well I'm getting ready for my spring cleaning. Going to try to finish it all tomorrow.  I started cleaning our my China cabinet.  Wow so much stuff just shoved in there that doesn't belong. We are moving the cabinet tomorrow just to the basement. It takes up to much space in the kitchen. 

Watching walle again.  Zack picked it again. Lol the bigger boys are getting frustrated that they have to keep watching it. Lol.

Monday 8 April 2013

Day 99. Busy day

What a busy day. It was a great one though.   thinking for getting my eyebrow pierced again :)

Sunday 7 April 2013

Day 98.

Played outside with the boys today for abit. Watching Netflix with them now.
Hung out with Ryan for abit. Cute little bella


Zack hanging with daddy

Friday 5 April 2013

Day 96. Had a nice day.

Nice morning out with Zackie. Got Bens birthday gift.  Ben is going to a birthday party tomorrow.

I started making the Autism Awareness bracelets for our fundraiser. 

Thursday 4 April 2013

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Day 94. Yay

We bought a car today :) a Mazda 5.

We are picking it up in 2 weeks. So excited :)